Friday, April 9, 2010

Wow, a long break!

Well, Hi, to all my friends and readers,

(I know I have missed out on a lot of viewership / readership of my blog simply due to not being particularly regular in posting). So, here I am with a little bit of my thoughts, just to catch all your fancy, and maybe make this boring place, a little more interesting. Well, firstly, the new look. I must say, not being very adept at the technical scripting stuff behind the scenes, I was quite impressed with simply the new looks being offered by blogger, and was more than willing to do an upgrade. So, the blog has got a whole new fresh and green feeling to it, although it was not intentional but nevertheless, the more the message about the earth gets across the better. Well, we all do love it and belong to it, anyhow. It looks so much more beautiful, greener.

Secondly, what actually got me writing this was just my coming across a few of my older files and while going through them, I felt, well why not put these up on the blog. These are a few of my photoshop ramblings. Simple, playing around learning new tools and stuff.

(A few of them, I must admit, were the result of diligently following some tutorials! ;) )

I might be splitting this post in two, and also, hope to post some new animations soon.

As always, would love to pick your mind.
Till later, bbye!

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